Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Days of New Foods

Although Hubby was a little skeptical yesterday when I gave him a goat cheese and turkey salad at lunch and fake pasta made out of spaghetti squash for dinner, he said it was not bad. Yea! He also said his steak and eggs this morning were so much better tasting than the regular steak and eggs. All in all, we agree that the taste of the food is more rich if that is possible, which makes sense if everything has not been coated in antibiotics, chemicals and pesticides!

Some other new things we are implementing: taking HSO probiotic supplements. There are several different companies that offer these, but we are starting with the Garden of Life brand. Josh is taking The Primal Defense, and is starting at one capsule a day, while working up to three capsules a day over the next few weeks. So far, he has not had any side effects and his stomach feels fine. I tried the Ultra Primal Defense, which has extra HSOs designed for stomach lining health since I have a digestive disease.I have been feeling pretty rough, but I do not know if that is the cold I have had for the past few days or a Herxheimer Reaction. We will see...

We have also switched deodorants to aluminum free deodorants; given up sodas, sugars and carbs for the next two weeks (following the Maker's Diet in the book); and switched to organic coffee beans. Finding the coffee beans has been the most challenging. The only place I have been able to find them is Whole Foods. We tried the Pacific Rim brand for $6.99 per lb. and I am not sure how long that will last. Maybe a few weeks? We brought the beans home, ground them ourselves and served the fresh coffee with organic creamer and Stevia for sweetener. It tastes stronger, since we are used to fun flavored creamers. The smell of the fresh coffee is so nice though!

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